Personal Information

Dinner Celebrating the Ministry of Bishop Keith & Gail Andrews

6:00 PM PT
March 28, 2025
AV Irvine
16500 Scientific Way
Irvine, CA92618

  • 2 tickets for yourself and 1 guest that you may bring and
    * the partial cost of 6 tickets for the archbishop and bishops and their wives who will be seated at your table.
    * Two bottles of wine to share with your table

    As an incentive, IRS tax guidelines establish the tax-deductible amount at $4,850.

  • This covers 2 tickets for yourself and 1 guest that you may bring and covers the partial cost of 6 tickets for Guest Bishops and their wives to be seated at your table.

    As an incentive, IRS tax guidelines establish the tax-deductible amount at $2350.

  • You and your guests will fill the 8 person table. You will be contacted later about names and meal choices for your party.

    As an incentive, IRS tax guidelines establish the tax-deductible amount at $1900

  • Includes up to 4 tickets for you and any guests. You will be contacted later about names and meal choices for your party.

    As an incentive, IRS tax guidelines establish the tax-deductible amount at $1200

  • Each guest (adults and children 3 and up) is required to have a separate ticket. Please use the "Add Another Registrant" button before payment for each individual family member or friend coming with you.

The Consecration of Bishop-Elect Phil Ashey with Reception and Light Luncheon to Follow

Consecration of the Reverend Canon Phil Ashey as the Third Bishop of the Diocese of Western Anglicans. Please register each adult and child of ten years or older using the "add another registrant" button below. Children of ten years and up are invited to sit with their parents during the consecration.

March 29, 2025
Consecration: 10:00 AM PT
Reception: 12:00 PM PT
Presbyterian Church of the Master
26051 Marguerite Pkwy
Mission Viejo, CA 92692

Celebration Freewill Offering

Donations for the following purpose are tax deductible.

We want everyone to be present, if at all possible, and to give an opportunity to financially support this Celebration Weekend through a freewill offering over and above the registration fees, either by writing a check payable to the Diocese of Western Anglicans with ‘Celebration Weekend’ in the memo line and mailed to 346 Termino Ave, Long Beach, CA 90814, or by using the form below.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software